Daniel Boone "Boone had his own thoughts on religion, when he had time to ponder, and he lived most of his life under the shadow of death; . . . A good many of his family were Baptists. He went to Baptist preaching himself sometimes. He was one of the congregation when the (pastor) John M. Peck, his future biographer, preached at Flanders Callaway's house in 1819. Sometimes the missionary parsons talked with him about his soul and making a 'profession of faith', but their crude theology never impressed Daniel Boone very much. "He never made a profession of religion', said one of them, 'but still was what the world calls a very moral man. I asked him if he thought he loved God? He replied, 'I hope so'. I asked again, 'Do you ever remember the time Colonel, when you experienced a change in your feelings towards the Saviour? He replied, 'No, Sir, I always loved God ever since I could recollect'. He listened to preaching with apparent interest; but the above was all I could ever learn [him] upon the subject of experimental religion.' The trapping grew less arduous, he read a great deal in his Bible; but he never felt any particular need to join the church." Daniel Boone by John Bakeless |
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