Remember the Alamo! A wise person once said that every war that's ever been fought, was a religious war! Early Americans were very patriotic to Constitutional principles, and wanted nothing to do with Catholicism. Catholicism had a history of being forceful and tyrannical. The principles which founded early America was that it should be a state without a king, and a church without a pope. Those leading out in the Revolution of Texas in general believed in the Creator and loved Him in their own way, but their religious knowledge wasn't what you might call scholarly. YAHUWAH had the Bible written for the common people who were practical, thats why scholars often times can't understand it. The Texans had to make a pretense of Catholicism to buy land in Texas. But the Bible they carried was not the Douay, but the Protestant Bible (The King James Version). They read the Bible for themselves without some priest telling them what it meant. As a matter of fact a lot of the early Americans searched the Old Testament as well as the New, because many believed the whites or the Indians were the lost tribes of Israel. Some even believed the seventh day was the Sabbath. The Texans were like this too, they simply searched the Bible for themselves, and depended on the Holy Spirit to give them a right understanding. Let me share a few quotes from the fathers of Texas. Samuel Houston (called the Raven), in his departmental orders from Nacogdoches, October 8, 1835, said: "Our only ambition is the attainment of rational Liberty--the freedom of religious opinions and just laws. To acquire these blessings we solemnly pledge our persons, our property, and our lives." Texas and Texans, II, p. 135 Austin and Archer together wrote to Colonel T. D. Owings of the United States infantry: ". . . . Our cause is that of Liberty, Religious toleration and Freedom of Conscience against Usurpation, Despotism, and the Unnatural and Unholy Monopolies of the Church of Rome. We wish to extend the blessings of Civil Liberty over one of the finest portions of this Continent, and offer a home upon its fertile soil, to the pious and Industrious of all Religious Denominations. In doing this, we invade no right appertaining to Mexico, we violate no duty, on the contrary, Right and Justice and Duty loudly call upon us to resist Oppression and defend ourselves--they call upon the Noble, the liberal, the pious and the free to fly to our aid, and assist in planting the Standards of Independence and Freedom in Texas." The Texas Colonists and Religion 1821-1836 p. 90, 91 S. F. Austin B. T. Archer The Texans were only carrying out the principles of the Reformation, Martin Luther stated, "If you do not contend with your whole heart, against the impious government of the Pope, you cannot be saved. Whoever takes delight in the religion and worship of popery will be eternally lost in the world to come. "If you reject it, (popery) you must expect to incur every kind of danger, even to lose your lives, but it is far better to be exposed to such perils in this world than to keep silence! So long as I live, I will denounce to my brethren the sore and the plague of Babylon for fear that many who are with us should fall back like the rest into the bottomless pit." History of the Reformation of the 16th Century vol 15 p 208 "In March 1836, Stephen F. Austin (a preacher himself) delivered an address, in the Second Presbyterian Church of Louisville, Kentucky, in which he said: 'Our object is freedom--civil and religious freedom.' In the same address, while speaking of the possibility of success, he said: 'Beside these resources [credit and men] we have one which ought not and certainly will not fail us (talking about YAHUSHUA)--it is our cause--the cause of light and liberty, of religious toleration and pure religion.' Although this address was delivered in a church, it cannot rightly be considered a case of special pleading, for it was printed in pamphlet form and widely circulated. On a circular appealing for volunteers from the United States, in the cause of Texas, there appears a vignette representing Hercules killing the Hydra. Underneath are the words, 'Liberty triumphing over Tyranny and Priestcraft.' Sam P. Carson, Secretary of State, wrote to General Dunlap: 'Although the defeat of Santa Anna has been most propitious etc. . . . the Priests will doubtless, organize and send all the troops they can raise, and their power is now much the greatest in Mexico." Texas Colonists and Religion 1821-1836 p. 91 Davy Crocket from Tennessee was one of those loyal American patriots, he had served in Washington D.C. as a senator. He was one of those early Americans fresh out of the Dark Ages when Catholicism munched with iron teeth, he knew well of its tyrannical nature. Davy Crocket had gotten wind that Texas wanted to become a Republic, a word that was very dear to him, and were in need of help. So Davy headed for Texas and rounded up as many men as he could, to help out. Davy even convinced a Parson (preacher) to come help fight the cause of religious freedom. Davy knew that Catholicism was the religion of Mexico and that it would try to come into America from the south, and perceiving that helping Texas defeat Mexico would be a victory against Catholicism, which was trying to raise its wounded head again. So Davy Crocket and his band of Tennesseans (called the Tennessee Volunteers) headed to Texas to try and be of some help. The Texans and Tennesseans fought bravely at the Alamo for civil and religious freedom. The odds were greatly against them, they knew they would be defeated, but they wavered not for the cause of freedom and died manfully. Yes the Scriptures are still true where it states; "In her (the Catholic church) was found the blood . . . of all that were slain upon the earth." Revelation 17:24 This inspired the Texans that were not their to keep resisting tyranny. "On April 21, 1836, Sam Houston with only 800 men inflicted a crushing defeat on a force of 1600 Mexicans under Santa Anna, on the banks of the San Jacinto, and by this one decisive blow achieved independence of Texas." Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia of 1934 (under Houston). Like the Americans they believed it was their Christian duty to resist tyranny. (Proverbs 8:15, 16)
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