PROVING THE SACRED NAME FROM HEBREW GRAMMAR RULES Josephus the Jewish historian seems to refer to the tetragrammaton as consisting of four vowels (Wars 5.5.7.) "Because he was not well acquainted with the Greek language Josephus first wrote his history (at least his notes) in the Hebrew language (Apion 1.9.). After the Jewish-Roman war when at leisure in Rome, he mastered the Greek language, and compiled his history in koine Greek, which was at that time the international language, as well as the language of the common people." THE SACRED NAME YHWH Consists of Four Vowels? by Voy Wilks 11/17/91 Josephus frequently altered Hebrew names, spelling them after the Greek fashion "to please [his Greek] readers", Please note the following quote. "I have one thing to add, of which Greeks are perhaps unaware, before reverting to the narrative where I left it. With a view to euphony and my readers' pleasure these names have been Hellenized (Oreekized). The form in which they appear is not that used in our country, where their structure and termination remain always the same." (Antiquities 1.6. 1.). "It is the Greeks who are responsible for this change of nomenclature." (Antiquities 1.5.1.)
"Why Josephus speaks of 'four vowels
is uncertain The first and third letters are probably 'by nature vowels' (=i
and u), though by usage consonants (Gesenius, Heb. Grammar, ed.
Cowley, pp.26,45). He is perhaps thinking of a Greek form
Not only do the Greeks render the tetragrammaton as four vowels, so did the Assyrians. "The Assyrians transcribed the Name as 'Ya-u-a'. The Scriptures p.xii (from South Mrica). The 'Y'in Yaua is sometimes written with an 'I' by other scholars, and so again we therefore have the four vowels. But according to Hebrew usage YHWH are not four vowels. RULE #1 YHW are definitely consonants! (this will be explained further in the study)
This rule already excludes the name Yahweh already, because in the name Yahweh the "h" acts as a vowel by being silent, instead of a consonant.
RULE #3 Since the
The vowel letters
"Assimilation usually takes place when one consonant which closes a syllable passes over into another beginning the next syllable and forms with it a strengthened letter." Gesenius Hebrew Grammar p.68 "Stade, Lehrb. der hebr. Gr., Lpz 1879, pp.44, 103, rightly insists on the expression strengthened pronunciation instead of the older term doubling, since from the fact that in transcription a strengthened consonant can only be indicated by writing it as double." Gesenius Hebrew Grammar p.55 footnote
This means that in the sacred name the
"Waw with Deges"
When a Hebrew
word ends
"A point in the bosom of
RULE #4 Unless the
What fits all the requirements better than
Remember it was on the day of atonement when the high priest would utter the sacred name, and pronounce a blessing on the people.
On the day of Judgment, "As (Eioah)
spoke the day and hour of (YAHUSHUA's) coining and delivered the everlasting
covenant to His people. He spoke one sentence, and then paused, while the words
were rolling through the earth. The Israel of Elohim) stood with their eyes fixed upward,
listening to the words as they came from the mouth of ( "Then commenced the Jubilee, when the land should rest." Early Writings p.286 (This person was actually taken off in vision to behold this future event). When the Creator utters the everlasting covenant on the day of Judgment, and speaks the sacred name (Joel 3:16). Which will it be? Yahweh?, Jehovah? Yahvah? or will it be YAHUWAH? Or will everyone hear the one they want to hear? as some think. What is contained in Scripture? "I am YAHUWAH: that is My name: and My glory will I not give to another (name?), neither My praise to graven images." Isaiah 42:8 |
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