Place names were very important to the Europeans, they were like landmarks for a memorial, that the next generation might ask what significance does it have? In this way an important message could be passed on. One of the statutes says, "Thou shalt not move thy neighbor's landmark, which they of old time have set." Deut 19:14. This landmark was altered. "IONA, the ordinary name of the island which was the great Christian (Messia-han) seminary of North Britain, is due to a false derivation. The oldest form of the name in the MSS. is Ioua, used as an adjective agreeing with insula. . . . Ioua was altered into Iona ." Folk Etymology A Dictionary of Verbal Corruption's or Words Perverted in Form or Meaning, by False Derivation p. 537, by A. Smythe Palmer "It is not an injustice to history to say that Scotland twice saved the world for the Reformation." Truth Triumphant p. 16 The ancient Sabbath was one of the great truths that Scotland preserved. Columba observed the commandment of our Creator, His seventh day Sabbath. The last hours of Columba are recorded as follows: "Having continued his labors in Scotland thirty four years, he clearly and openly foretold his death and on Saturday, the ninth of June, said to his disciple Diermit: 'This day is called the Sabbath, that is, the day of rest, and such will it truly be to me; for it will put an end to my labors." Truth Triumphant p. 108 The sacred name was another truth that was preserved. One testimony concerning Patrick was that he "spread everywhere the name of God without fear, confidently." Celtic Church in Britain p. 53 "The name (Iona) is believed to be a misreading of Iova, Ioua, a name that occurs in old MSS." (manuscripts) Winstons Cumulative Loose Leaf Encyclopedia & Dictionary 1936 "The earliest form of the word has excellent authority, for it occurs many times in the life of Columba written by one of his successors as abbot within a century of his death. But it is always given as an adjective, Ioua Insula the island of Io." Place Names of the English-Speaking World p. 158, by C.M. Matthews Noah Webster in his first American Dictionary (1828), under the word "ALLELUIAH" shows how "Io" is a corruption of Jah (see Psalm 68:4 KJV) as in the word Hallelujah, meaning, Praise ye YAH! This short form of "Io" as the sacred name can also be seen in the original 1611 King James Version where it is attached to such Biblical names as Ioshua, Iohn, Ioel, Ionathan, Ioshaphat, Iosedech, Iochebed, Ioram, Ioseph, Ionadab etc. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance shows the fuller form of these names as Yehoshua, Yehochanan, Yehonathan, Yehoshaphat, Yehosedech, Yehoseph, Yehoram, Yehonadab. Ioua or Iova, similar to the Turkish form Yova, may have been a shortened form of Yehova. Consider also that YAH is the short form of the sacred name YHWH an extension of Yah is seen in Elijah's name. The King James Version shows Elijahu in the margin of I Kings 17:1. Translators tell us the first part of this name "Eli" means "my God" (see Matthew 27:46). Thus the name Eliyahu means "my El is YAHUWAH". Also in the margin of I Kings 18:3 we see the name Obadiahu meaning "servant of YAHUWAH". The great sacred name is proven by the translation, I AM THAT I AM (Ex 3:14). Notice that "I AM" is repeated, thus YAH is repeated with WAH in the sacred name. In Hebrew the Y and W can interchange at times and yet the same meaning is preserved. Example "Dodavah" (II Chronicles 20:37), or more proper Dodawah, means "love of Yah". But which part of this name means YAH? The "wah" of course! Now when the sacred name YAHUWAH was carried over by sound into Greek it became Ioua. For example, take the name Jehu (originally Yahu) in the Septuagint it becomes "Iou". Lets do another, take "Yahudah"(Judah) in the Greek it is "Iouda". Yahu which is the first part of the sacred name of our Creator was reduced to "Iou" when transferring to Greek, and then on to Latin and other European languages. Before it was pronounced Iova, the o and u were sounded together, the "o" being silent. C.M. Matthews in his book Place Names of the English-Speaking World continues on to call it "Iova", which resembles "Iowa". By the way, the Lewis & Clark map of 1814 refer to the Iowa river spelling it "Ioua", which is exactly as the island of Iona was. Here is another source showing "Ioua" as the sacred name, which comes from the Oxford English Dictionary (under Jehovah). The sentence is in Latin, and reads:
Non enim he quatuor liter
The sentence basically translates, "Not certain here of four letter Iona the great Sabbitarian center was the hightower, or defense from Catholicism, where the righteous could run to and be safe from persecution. It was called "the government of Ia." J.O'Donovan, The Annals of Ireland, Three Fragments, Fragment II, year 704. Quoted in The Celtic Church in Britain p. 26, 95 by Leslie Hardinge This supports the idea that the island of "Ioua" being named after the Creator, Who worked through this place to make His truth known. Today the lying pen of the scribes only tell you of the early Greek writers of the Gnostic Christian church, but here is a testimony, they don't tell you about, which testifies of an "a" sound at the end of the sacred name, instead of the "eh" sound. The Catholic church seeks to retain idol worship, thus Jove which was anciently spelled Ioue. If these four vowels are said fast enough, you'll say Yahweh as these modern promoters teach. Iona was the "Lighthouse of Truth" in Europe through the centuries of the Dark Ages. It was the last great hold out against Catholicism, until the Reformation.
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