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    A unique experience happened down in Bandera Texas  after we had covered the city of Bandera with the Bandera flyer.

    The McWilliams family were getting their roof fixed, which a Spanish man was hired to work on.  As preparation day was drawing to a close and Shabbat drawing near a storm cloud came up threatening to rain.  Sister McWilliams observed the Spanish man look up to the cloud with fist and shout what sounded like the sacred name.  So she questioned this man about what he had said, he told her it was a battle cry from the a Mexican War.  She also informed him that was the Creator's wonderful name.  And sister McWilliams related the experience to me, and we began to try and research it.

    One day my wife went up stairs to see what was on the show called  Positively Texas, since it was  "Cinco de Mayo", which is a Mexican celebration day from defeating the better equipt and trained French army, where the odds were about 2000 to 7000.  Since the day of my birth happened on Cinco de Mayo my wife and I have an interest in learning about this.  The show had the traditional Mexican dancing and women twirling their long dresses etc., and in the song at times they would say a little something like a yippee, but it didn't sound like  "yippee".  From what I can remember it seemed that my wife said something about it being connected to a battle cry.

    So perceiving that there might be a connection with this battle cry "yahuwa" and this  "yippee" expression that sounded more like  yahoo or yeehaw, I decided to go to a Mexican restaurant where they serenade you with Mexican music.  There I questioned the lead singer and asked him about the expression  "yahuwa", as in traditional Cinco de Mayo songs.  I showed him the  "Dios=Dios" flyer.  He put his finger over the  "Y" in YAHUWAH and said it's more like  "AHUWAH" meaning "cheers" or yippee.  Also while I was there I gave out several of the  "Dios=Dios" flyers telling them that it exposes a great deception.

   Here in Texas, if you have ever been to a rodeo, and some happy cowboy wins the bull riding contest, you might hear a gleeful note across the air, of  "Yahoo!"  or  "Yeehaw!"  Or, when the Dallas Cowboys win the Super Bowl, you might hear this same expression. 

   These may be opportune times to either educate someone concerning the sacred name or rebuke them for using the sacred name in a vain way, how ever the Spirit leads.

    In Spanish, the equivalent to  Yahoo and Yeehaw, is spelled  "AJUA" (pronounced A-hu-a), and later I learned that it originated from a battle cry.  You may hear "Yajua" or  "Ajua" depending on the mood they are in at the time.  It is the expression of being extremely happy, or the ultimate state of good feeling.  And what is more of an ultimate state of good feeling than sweet victory?  Especially when its for a righteous cause.  If you were a Believer you might shout "Hallelujah" instead.  Yes, victory is sweet.  On the Judgment Day the saints will be vindicated with YAHUWAH's favor, when YAHUWAH shakes the heavens and the earth with His voice (Joel 3:16 & Haggai 2:6).  "At the end of every sentence the saints shout 'Glory! HalleluYAH!'. . . And when the never-ending blessing was pronounced on those who have honored (YAHUWAH) in keeping His Sabbath holy, there was a mighty shout of victory over the beast and over his image."  Early Writings p. 285, 286.  HalleluYAHUWAH! Let us labor to be among them.

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